Center of well-being

Do you feel you are in your center of wellbeing?

It’s the inner state of wellbeing in which you are fully present. Free from past conditioning, recurrent mind patterns, worries about the future or anticipation of the future. Yes, you just lost all of that and what’s left, is the clear, whole you. This state of wellbeing is often felt naturally in moments of bliss and relaxation, like on a holiday. On a holiday you break away from daily, unconscious routines and patterns. You enter a new space and literally leave a lot of mental baggage behind. This opens up the space for your center of wellbeing, which is free from recurrent mental-emotional clutter.

But we don’t necessarily need a holiday to create moments of well-being. By giving attention to the present moment we can access our center of well-being anytime. In the present moment we are the watcher, the observer of our sense perceptions. The observer remains constant, peaceful and neutral in the background and let’s all experiences come and go. Just like a movie on a screen. This doesn’t mean that an experience cannot make you cry. But instead of dwelling on it and building a story around it in your head, you can let the emotion come and go. This way, you create the space, or better formulated, you are the space for the transient experience.

It sounds simple, being present and it is. However, humans are conditioned to build mental stories and have the habit to be racing to the next thing, rather than to be present with what is. So, instead of learning something new, we need to break a mental habit. The first step to wellbeing is therefore to become conscious of unconscious mental-emotional habits. The moment you bring peaceful awareness to your mind patterns, you access your center of wellbeing. And you can do this, anytime, any moment, right now. 


In balans met de natuur


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